Did you just arrive in Hungary from Ukraine?

Browse through the websites provided below to get information on how to register with the Hungarian authorities, obtain a special long-term visa and register for accommodation, schooling, and benefits:

Legal advice:

  • The Hungarian Bar Association and the Budapest Bar Association in a joint initiative set up a group of volunteering lawyers and a hotline. Refugees from Ukraine can reach out for legal help with immigration and other legal matters to the following contacts:

    Hungarian Bar Association / Magyar Ügyvédi Kamara
    e-mail – ukrainecrisis@helsinki.hu
    Budapest Bar Association / Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara
    Committee for International Relations / Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Bizottsága
    1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.
    e-mail: ukraine@muknet.hu

Useful legal and immigration information:


Medical help:


In case you do not find a solution to your situation on the websites provided, fill in the request form provided below for legal support.

A lawyer will contact you to agree upon the conditions of legal support directly.

Important notice

Due to Christmas holidays and limited capacities, our request form is temporarily closed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding.